#20 — August 19, 2023

40 Days of Gratitude

- Jesus

- If I could have anything x Housefires ft. Ahjah Walls & Blake Wiggins

- Worship (morning playlist below)

- Intimacy with God

- Proverbs 16:9

- Mornings

- Joy

- Authenticity and love

- Sunlight and Saturdays

- Social Interaction LOL

- Rest

- Life lessons w/ my little sis

- Provision (wings + brunch + Wednesdays)

- Girls Night with frandz and pre-dinner

- Talks with Ki and the color green

- My sister cooking for me while I finish some work

- Loving someone

- Sleep


Morning Playlist:

- No one ever cared for me like Jesus x Steffany Gretzinger

- Closer x Trbl ft. Brandon Lake

- Whatever your plan is x Josie Buchanan

- Abba x Dante Bowe

- If I could have anything x Housefires ft. Blake Wills & Ahjah Walls

-The One You Love x Elevation Worship ft. Chandler Moore

- Only Jesus x Housefires

- Overflow x Tasha Cobbs

- Make Room x Community Music <3


Correction & Criticism


#19 — August 18, 2023