A May Thank You

I’ve been seeing God’s hand moving everyday in my life, and hearing testimonies of his goodness and evidence of his love all around. This morning I have so much to be grateful for so I’d thought I’d share.

  • Our Father’s provision. Matthew 6:8 reminds us that Jesus knows what we need. This week I’m so grateful that He knows and sees all that is happening, hears our prayers, and answers.

  • “Heavy Revvies” (Heavy Revelation - s/o rlya)

  • The Holy Spirit speaks to us. I am so very grateful that the Lord speaks to us and shares his thoughts with us.

  • Growth and Refinement. This week at church, they sung Refiner x Maverick and I just desired that burning in my spirit. I’m grateful that the Lord knows best and does what’s best for us when he calls us to lay down everything so he can have his way in us. His way is better and I’m so glad he allowed me to see that.

  • He helps us. I’m grateful that when things are hard, he strengthens our spirit, and helps us endure and have faith and keep going. it’s always him. With him, hard things are easy. With him darkness is like light. I’m really grateful to him for that.

  • Honesty. I’m so glad that the Lord loves authenticity, raw emotions, and truth. I’m grateful that he encourages honesty in every area and relationship of my life. When I’m tempted to hide and mute myself, he pushes me back out there to be honest and has continued to teach me that hard feelings and hard things are not a bad thing. I’m grateful for the relief and beauty of honesty.

  • Progression. Philippians 1:6 will forever be a verse I live by: “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ”. We are always maturing and developing. This means so much because I can see the places God has helped heal me, and grow me past the point I was at. Nothing lasts forever. This is encouraging too because even when I feel as if I am still stuck and struggling with the same things, I know day by day Jesus is working and he is a God of progression. I can be confident that I am not the same no matter what I feel.

  • His constant encouragement. I think sometimes we get it in our heads that the process is a linear thing. You struggle, you overcome, you move on, never struggle again. No one talks about how sometimes you need reminders weeks later after God has helped you conquer something. It doesn’t mean you haven’t overcome, it just means we are weak and God is our sustainer. We will experience the ebbs and flows of life forever, highs and lows, struggles and wins, but the thing that remains constant and keeps us is Christ. I’m getting more and more comfortable with God’s goodness, role, and my need for him.

  • Jesus is a resurrecting God. He resurrects from the dead, that’s what He does. He resurrects from spiritual death. He did that for me, and will do that for anyone else. He took my sin and trouble in my story and redeemed me. He changed it and turned it for good. He saved my life. There is nothing to big or too dark for him, nothing he is intimidated by, or his love and power is rivaled by. I love that he takes the dead and brings them back to life in Him!

  • Lessons

  • His forgiveness and grace <3 Gosh he loves us so much.

  • My friend. (For A Little While x Cecily)

  • Joy. Every bit of joy I am experiencing in life is because of him. Every bit of joy I’ve experienced in the hard times has been Him. He’s restored my joy when I had none. He’s my everything.

  • No matter what comes, you take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it for good. You have the victory.


God can do a lot with a little - YouTube!


Where do we put our hope in a broken & wicked world?