Gratitudes 10/3-10/6 (2024)
God’s grace when I don’t have enough (waking up with energy early when I got like 3 hours of sleep)
Your SWEETNESS and reminders (gratitude)
Jokes with my husband
Quality time and resourceful dinners ( Lemon Crème Shrimp, Leftover Roasted Potatoes and Green Beans)
Friends, onions, and your grace (anxiety)
God’s provision (peace when worries arise about my ability to be what you have called me to be) + grace (knowing that you qualify the called and when I get there, you’ll give me the grace I need to handle everything).
Messages from heaven through songs
God first loving us
Peace in finances
The game-changingness of Brioche French Toast (never going back)
A healthy body and stewarding it
Night time & winding down
Dates with my husband 💛
My church
The gift of being able to fall back asleep
Grandparents Day
The closeness of God
Faith and stability
The pure joy I have been having with Christ, I’ve been enjoying each day with slowing down
Homestyle Chicken Soup + Olives
Food <3
Promises (Finally submitting something we have been working on for months—God is crazy and beautiful)
Gatherings of God Lovers
God blessing me with a mini shopping treat (Chunky Scarves & Fun teacher sweaters)
Blissfully Perfect Saturdays
Encouragement + Inspiration
Technology Miracles
The faithful hand of Jesus after my video deleted (Word go forth!)
Grapefruit Candles and Album Listening parties
A home we love to be in
Practical instruction and conviction by the word
A husband who loves reading the word and discussing the things of God
Money to provide for our family
My husbands wisdom
Being a wife
You keeping us from distractions and temptation
You are good, and we don’t have to worry about another shoe dropping
A husband who takes care of our home and cooks and cleans
The joy of my niece and friend
Apples, the sanctity of the home, & Everyday gatherings