A Transparent Midnight Thank You
Thank you for your friendship. That you are always by my side. Thank you for our relationship, that we ride bikes and smile and live in joy together. Thank you that you are never far away, even when I feel lost. I know you are near me, you are my true north. Thank you for bringing meaning to my life. When the world is hazy and unstable, you never changed. You are and will always be good. Trustworthy.
Thank you for the galaxies and the significantly bigger planets. Thank you for mystery and wonder. Your limitlessness brings me peace and clarity. I pray that I would continue to seek that vision and never come back down. Thank you that I can live up there forever, that your world is where you want me. Thank you that I never have to leave.
Thank you for reminding me to have fun and stop being so hard on myself. Thank you for changing my relationship with “fun”. Thank you for helping me relax and live in rest. I desire to live this way even more, no striving.
Thank you for helping me take the cloak off. The pretending, and hiding. It’s exhausting, and I find myself posing under it too often. Thank you for wanting me to be authentic and to never be afraid of doing so. Thank you for creating a bolder version of me. Thank you that you aren’t angry or exasperated in my time of need. Thank you for calling me out. Thank you for reminding me that you have made me brave.
Thank you for changing the way that I think about myself. Thank you for your love, patient and kind (1 Corinthians 13:4-7). Lord help me walk freely, truly like the wind.
I said something earlier this week about, “If I’m nicer to everyone else than I am myself, then there’s a problem”. And that’s real. This week I am going to practice being nicer/kinder to myself, in the way that I think about myself, talk to myself, & see myself. I am going to consciously water her with love and complements, affirmations instead of disappointment.
Thank you for taking away this performance based way of life. Thank you for reframing the values of my life. I need to live in rest, in love. Thank you for being so kind when I did not believe I was worthy of such margin, such freedom.
To the love of my life, Jesus