In the Heights & Depths — Psalms 139:8

Psalms 139:8 (NIV) says,

If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.”

This verse has been resonating profoundly in my spirit for the past few months. Psalms 139 in general is just a resounding echo right now, but this verse starts it all.

I first came in contact with the verse through The Chosen (iykyk). Phillip, one of the disciples of Jesus, was helping another disciple (Matthew) learn Torah (The Jewish scriptures, before Jesus). He took a different route than most Jewish boys, so was not familiar with so much of what the word said. Phillip sparked something for me with this verse. He shares how in short it means, that “There’s nowhere you can go. No height you can climb to in your intellectual mind, no depth you reach in your soul where God is not with you.” (The Chosen S2:Ep3).

This has been a rock I have stood on within these past few months. When I first read this, I saw a picture of both the heavens and the underworld, but saw Jesus in the middle, not in both places, but outside of them. He was the backdrop, and they were just layers on top. He was before they were. He is outside of them. It resonated with me because it showed God outside of our highest highs, and lowest lows. He’s not outside as in away and distant but outside, as in unaffected and unwavering.

What did this look like for me?

In the Heights — I loved that Phillip in The Chosen mentioned there’s no height you can reach intellectually I think this is something we must all consider in a world that is constantly seeking truth but often settling for semblances instead. Over the past few months, I have been running into a lot of people of differing beliefs. The curious part about these interactions was the fact that they all claimed to follow God, and mentioned Jesus Christ, but the more I listened, the more I found gaps between what they believed and what the Bible actually said. It’s interesting though because some were very convincing. It sounded like truth; they used scripture, and interpreted it in ways that could have made sense, until you really looked at the Word of God and what the Lord said. This is an important thing for us as Believers to remember because the Lord warns us multiple times to be wary (cautious) of deception. In Colossians 2:8 it says,

“See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.”

Lean on Christ. Through Psalms 139:8, God reminded me that all that information I was receiving was not bigger than him. I was overwhelmed and confused*, but He wasn’t. All I needed to do was keep walking with him; He would lead me where I needed to be. Not soon after I realized this, all became clear. I understood the deception and became free from the burden of trying to figure it all out. I pray for anybody reading this and wrestling with truth. God is not shaken by all the questions and confusion you may have. I encourage you to lay everything down, and hold on to this verse. He is faithful and will lead you into truth. Be still & Know (Psalms 46:10)*.

In the Depths — In the depths, I felt out of control. Emotionally, spiritually, mentally— I was struggling. As I was reading this verse, I saw a vision of God being in the depths like a trapezoid weight. It was like the deepest floor of darkness you could go, but He was still there as this giant trapezoid weight. He was immovable, and unmoved. Jesus is your firm foundation, unphased. Even in the pit of darkness that seems to have no edges, He is there and knows what needs to happen. He is in control. You can hold on to that when you can’t hold on to anything else. Even at the very bottom, in your confusion, in the pitch black darkness —He knows where you are—even when you don’t. He will lead you to safety. Cling to this, you may waiver, but keep clinging to this. Keep holding on. It gave me hope, and helped lead me out. It gave me a hand to hold when I couldn’t see anything. I pray it does the same for you <3


Psalms 139 is a chapter describing the closeness and intimacy God has with us. I encourage you to read it if you haven’t! It reads like a poem and is absolutely beautiful. I also encourage you to to listen to this song, Highs & Lows x Hillsong Young & Free. It echoes the heart of the Psalm so well! xx


* God is not the author of confusion, but of peace. (1 Corinthians 14:33)

** The Hebrew word for “still” that’s used in Psalm 46:10 is Raphah (רָפָה) and it means to “sink down, relax, let go, cease striving, or withdraw.” God is in control.


Steady Me — Psalms 40:1-2


Testimony: Jesus Provides